• 6000-2LPZA
  • 2 Channel Loop Powered Zone Alarm Interface

2 Channel Loop Powered Zone Alarm Interface

Part No. 6000/2LPZA
  • 2 x Monitored Detection Zones
  • 2 x Monitored Alarm Outputs
  • Loop Powered
  • DIN Rail Mounted
  • Integral Short Circuit Isolator
  • Protec Algo-Tec 6000 Protocol

Product Details

The Protec 2 way loop zone alarm interface is a loop powered input / output device providing 2 local zones of conventional detectors and 2 local monitored alarm outputs.

Loop protocolProtec Algo-tec™ 6000 MX1
Loop isolator fittedYes, on board (consult Protec DEL2110 for details)
Loop voltage range18 to 28V peak loop
Number of loop addresses used2 maximum, user and build configurable
24V Auxiliary input voltage range18 to 28V dc
Environmental operational limits-10 to 50ºC (maximum 95% RH no condensation or icing)
Loop quiescent current (24V loop peak)1.6mA + zone end of line current + zone loading
Loop alarm current (average)18mA
Zone short circuit current (24V)26mA peak ± 2mA
Zone end of line requirements (I/P 1 & I/P 2)Resistive – 8.2k ±5% ¼W, Capacitive – 100μ F ±20% in series with 22Ω ±5% ¼W
Input cabling requirementsMaximum cable resistance 6Ω per conductor
Maximum cable capacitance 0.2μ F between cable conductors
Monitored input end of line detailsEnd of line resistor value 47kΩ 1/4W ±5%
Monitored input short circuit thresholdBelow 230Ω
Monitored input fire thresholdBelow 7.85kΩ
Monitored input pre-alarm thresholdBelow 32kΩ ( Input 3 only )
Monitored input open circuit thresholdAbove 111kΩ
Clean contact output detailsSingle pole changeover rated for 8A maximum at 30V DC non inductive
Weight245g ( including din rail housing, no backbox, 4 way build )
LED IndicatorUse only high brightness LED (Protec stock code: NK 02-676-46)

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