Protec Training


We recognise that our staff delivers our success. We have always invested in our staff by promoting from within wherever possible. To do this, we aim to ensure that people are trained to the highest standard for their current role but also offer where appropriate further training to help them develop, preparing for their own and our future.

What We Offer

Learning & Development

We offer many in house technical training courses to our engineering staff to ensure they are always up to speed with the latest technology and products. Alongside this we also arrange industry standard external training where appropriate such as the Site Supervision Safety Training Scheme and 18th Edition Wiring Regulations to name just a few. For office and manufacturing staff we have worked with local providers over the years to provide a wide array of job specific training to employees such as Associate of Accounting Technicians courses as well as our long running Electrical Apprenticeship scheme.

Trusted by Architects and Contractors