Health, Safety & The Environment
Our commitment to the health, safety and well being of all those engaged in our activities is of paramount importance and is an important part in delivering operational excellence, client satisfaction and pride in all that we do.
Our safety culture aims to provide an environment where all those affected by our operations can influence the attitude and perception of others whose lack of understanding or beliefs give rise to unsafe situations.
We value the contributions made by all its employees and the relationship it holds with clients in recognizing that it is not acceptable that those who work for us, or who are implicated through our activities suffer injury or ill health. It is through developing these relationships that we build and retain our staff and form long term client relationships.
Through continual improvement we strive to enhance our accreditations, safety performance and business opportunities. It is through conscious and efficient management and this interaction with our clients that delivers the success of our business.
Protec recognise that its business activities may have impacts on the environment, be they direct or indirect, adverse or beneficial and as such it is our policy to undertake our business activities in such a manner as to be sensitive to the environment, to conserve natural resources, reduce waste and to prevent pollution to land, water and air.
Regarding the promotion of an environmental strategy as a key element in operating a successful business and that by doing so we can help to reduce environmental impacts from our operations as well as to create opportunities for providing positive benefits to the environment.
Protec has reviewed its activities to identify its Significant Environmental Aspects and has put into place objectives; targets and management programs to ensure these aspects are managed. The monitoring and management of these aspects and impacts will also allow continual improvement in our environmental performance.
Within the scope of demonstrating Environmental, Social Governance (ESG) and the management of our identified significant aspects we are pleased to announce that we have achieved our identified first step towards the company’s objective of becoming Net Carbon Zero.
This is in accordance with DEFRA guidance and the Standard Verified Carbon Standard and can now demonstrate certified Carbon Neutrality.
To ensure we continue to meet our obligations and comply with all other business and ESG requirements we will work closely with all interested parties, such as, our employees, contractors, suppliers, clients and enforcing authorities.
It is our policy to maintain compliance with relevant environmental legislation and all other associated requirements, which remain effective and relevant to its undertakings.
With this in mind we are committed to maintaining our BS EN ISO14001 Environmental Management Systems accreditation so that our competencies can be externally verified.
The members of staff with management responsibilities are listed on a company document, which is available to stake holders and interested parties upon request and to staff through the company Intranet.
Audits / Surveys
The relevant competent staff members carry out regular audits within the business where health and safety hazards and risks are identified, recorded and any follow-up actions taken. In addition separate Health and Safety client site surveys take place either when a client requests or as part of a scheduled audit plan. Checklists and standard forms are used for record keeping and updated as necessary. Where necessary, consultation will take place with clients’ safety representatives to achieve common goals.
Risk Assessment, Reduction and Control Measures
A Standard procedure SOP-06 “Risk assessment methodology, risk reduction and implementation of necessary control measures” provides the framework for the process. The risk assessment outcome can vary dependant on processes involved, the work area or site location, materials used and people involved. Sometimes “generic” risk assessments can be adopted, More specific hazards and risks need a more detailed approach.
Manuals, policies, operational documents e.g. method statements, risk assessments, inspections, reviews and surveys are available on request.
Competence and Training
Induction training is given to new staff and the level and complexity of this training is dependant on the level of skill required, age and experience as well as requirements from clients. Where a level of competence is a legal or client requirement, this is provided through a number of methods: in-house and external training provider or a mixture of both.
COSHH Risk Assessments
Employees – Where necessary, employees who work with hazardous materials or working in more hazardous environments will be monitored and health surveillance checks undertaken at periodic intervals.
Accident records – Full records are kept and statistics recorded for submission to relevant parties and for management reviews.
Management Reviews – At periodic intervals, management reviews are held. These reviews are normally held annually. The issues discussed and actions agreed concentrate on information submitted from the audits/surveys and from other forms of feedback e.g. client feedback.
Statutory and regulatory requirements – These are reviewed and kept up to date through a variety of methods examples: the HSE website/helpline, subscription to the Barbour index, trade periodicals, RoSPA newsletters and the Internet.
Corrective/preventive actions – Health and Safety issues that are raised through the above activities will be reviewed with the intention of taking sufficient corrective actions and preventative measures. The main thrust must always be to comply with the Health and Safety at Work act and all other applicable health and safety legislation.